For many years now Tickets For Kids have provided off site educational field trips for our Title I Summer School Program. This year the program attended the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, the National Aviary, Fort Pitt Museum and Blockhouse and the PPG Zoo and Aquarium.
Usually the trips that are most popular with the students are the trips to the Pittsburgh Zoo or the Carnegie Science Center, but not this year; this year the most interesting trip was the visit to the Fort Pitt Museum and Blockhouse
The Fort Pitt Museum is located in Point State Park. We were provided with a personal guide that offered a very interesting and informative tour. The personal touch and attention we received when attending the museum truly enhanced our visit and peaked the interest of the children.
The historical past of the Fort was not lost to the students, many of whom had little to no knowledge or interest of the Fort before our visit. We had never visited Fort Pitt Museum and Blockhouse before and we were not exactly sure what to expect, we were not disappointed as this field trip turned into the highlight of the summer. Thank you Tickets for Kids!