As the holidays roll around, it is a time for celebration, joy, family and thanksgiving for all we are blessed with. As you all know we work with young people, all of whom have not had the blessings most of us sometimes take for granted   Many of our kids suffer life experiences that are hard to imagine. As the holiday season nears, we would ask that you continue to remember our kids and that you share your blessings with them. Our gifts and our love cannot undo the harms many have experienced, but they can help bring about healing, and letting them know that they are cared about.
Also as the year winds down, it is a time for reflection. As I reflect back on the year here at Cray I get a feeling of accomplishment and hope for the future. I am very grateful to our many dedicated and passionate staff who work so hard to level the playing field for our kids.  If you have been following our efforts in this newsletter, you know we have also set out to try and help this community become a healthier community for all of us. We have made significant strides and I am getting a very positive vibe from people and a strong sense that good things are about to start happening. I look forward to the upcoming year as we continue our adventure. We will continue to ask for your help and will keep you updated.
Although I am looking forward to the new year, I will take my own advice that I give to our staff  — CARPE DIEM. May you all seize today and each day of this beautiful time of year. I wish you a happy holiday season and a healthy and prosperous 2013.
~David Copper